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UFC 302 preview: Dustin Poirier’s fight for underserved communities outside the octagon

With the money raised from auctioning Poirer’s fight kit after the Makhachev fight, the foundation hopes to provide 1,300-1,400 children in Louisiana with the school supplies they need for the forthcoming academic year.

Poirier says the experiences he’s had with people going through hardships have changed his perspective on life.

“The world has enough negative stuff going on in it, if I can be that little light, that little help, I think everybody should do that who can,” said Poirier.

“It’s made me put things in perspective and be more grateful for everything me and my family have and the opportunities I have.”

During the build-up to his bout with Makhachev, Poirier has hinted that the fight may be his last, saying he will make a decision on retirement based on his feelings.

Although he says nothing will ever replace the feeling of competing, describing himself as being “addicted to fighting”, Poirier is thankful for the distraction his foundation provides.

“I don’t know if anything will ever fill the void of fighting, but it definitely keeps me busy,” said Poirier.

“There’s a sense of accomplishment when I go through these goals with the foundation and accomplish these things and help these people, it really makes me feel good.

“We’re always working on a new goal.”

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